Fundamentally, marketing is about getting the right product or service to the customer at the right price, in the right place, at the right time.
The key to a successful marketing campaign is to have a clear, well thought out, and achievable marketing plan. In essence a marketing plan details the actions necessary to achieve specified marketing objectives for a product, service, brand or product line. The plan should be backed up by a solid marketing strategy developed through research, insight and understanding. Black Pig has been practicing what we preach for nearly two decades, so we know a thing or two about sound thinking and strategic design.
Another string to our bow is the ability to plan and book your advertising campaigns. Our media buyers have the tools to construct a tailored and targeted plan for any budget, and we’re always on the lookout for new and innovative mediums that can benefit your brand.
If you feel your business is drifting along with no consistent strategic vision or marketing route map then perhaps your next move should be from A to Black Pig.
I’ve enjoyed my experience immensely with Black Pig. It has been refreshing to work with forward thinking people with a can do attitude, and I now consider Black Pig to be an essential addition to the management team.