1g dynamics
One of Black Pig’s long term clients, the vibration testing specialists IMV, recently approached us for help with a new project. Their service partners CVMSL and Vibratech were joining forces to form a new merged company with an even broader range of services and more engineers available to service customer requirements.

We began by holding a branding workshop during which we discussed potential names for the new business and considered what the brand identity might look like. The name 1g-dynamics was chosen as it was easy to remember, easy to say and related strongly to the client’s industry. Many competitors use the word ‘Vibration’ and the client was keen to adopt a distinctive name which was clearly different from others within their market. Another consideration in selecting a name was that it should lend itself to the creation of sub-brands in the future.
The Black Pig design team were then tasked with creating a set of potential logos for the visual identity of 1g-dynamics. These were refined internally and a final shortlist of designs was presented to the client. The logo chosen featured a stylised 1 and g linked together to represent the merging of the two organisations.
The next phase of the project was to design and build a website which would support the merger announcement and highlight to customers the additional benefits 1g-dynamics would be able to offer them. The website provides a contact form, details of services and information on 1g-dynamics’ quality standards. It will later be replaced by a more extensive, functionality rich website.
Black Pig also designed a set of business stationery as part of the new company’s communications package.
Click here to view the website
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