Turfgrass List
Our client BSPB (British Society of Plant Breeders) came to us when they were looking to integrate new functionality into their website. Each year the BSPB Amenity Committee produces a buyer’s guide for purchasers of quality amenity turfgrass seed. It is used to help them evaluate the suitability of different grass varieties for a wide range of amenity uses, for example on winter sports pitches, tennis lawns or golf courses.

The Committee wanted to add value for their users by producing an online version of the guide, and asked Black Pig to design and build an interactive tool which would allow people to easily search for suitable grass types using a range of filters.
Our creative and development teams closely studied the printed version of the guide in order to assess how the information could best be presented and structured in order to provide an intuitive interface for users. The tool we developed works by first allowing the selection of an amenity type in order to see an initial list of grass varieties which are appropriate to that category of use. Once a grass type has been selected, users are directed to a page where filters are available to further narrow down their selection. The filters cover a wide range of characteristics such as fineness of leaf, speed of regrowth, disease resistance and cleanness of cut. The filters shown are bespoke to each grass type and a series of range sliders and dropdown menus are provided so that the user can finely target the grass qualities they require.
For easy reading and understanding a table of grasses matching the criteria selected is shown on screen and this refreshes as the filters are adjusted. The results can also be downloaded in xls format to allow them to be analysed offline.
Black Pig also modified the website content management system to allow the Amenity Committee to easily update the online information each year.
Click here to view the website
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